Denmarks largest Tulip Festival
At the end of April and May, Denmark’s largest and oldest Tulip Festival can be experienced in the historic Castle Park at Gavnø. Several thousands of tulips in exceptional color displays are featured in a unique palette of varieties and compositions. The leading bulb producers exhibit their produce.
The Tulip Festival consists of early and late varieties, so no matter when you visit the Tulip Festival, beautiful tulips will adorn the Castle Park.
Every year in October, the castle gardeners plant thousands of flower bulbs in the ground. Each year, the bulbs are exhibited in new formations and color combinations in the park. No two seasons are alike.

Tulip Event – Collect tulip bulbs
At the end of the Tulip Festival, a special event will be held. Guests are invited to dig up the many thousands of blossomed tulip bulbs and bring them home to their own garden. The tulip bulbs can be taken home without charge. Normal entrance fee applies. Please remember small shovel and bags. The first-come-first-served principle applies.
Every spring we hold a competition for our guests, who can vote for the tulip, which should be voted the Tulip of the Year. It is always a popular competition and at the same time gives the producers guidance about the guests’ interest and preference of tulips.
The winners receive a Gavnø Season Pass in prize. Ballots will be handed out at the ticket sales.
A selection of flower bulbs and cuttings in small pots produced in the old greenhouses at Gavnø may be purchased in the Castle Shop.